Thursday, April 06, 2006

macaroni ron .. ron ja

after come back from shopping with mom.. feel hungry a lot
but dont know what i want to eat
turn left.. turn right in the kitchen... mmmm.. maybe dutch breakfast like my guy cooking for me... but... bored with it laew na si
look in refrigerator... see some vegetable.. and something... we called "khong lear...lear" (almost throw it away)
finally... decide to cook macaroni with khong lear...lear dee kwa
then... mix everything.. tomato , onion , salami , chicken , tub bod (thai) , egg , tomato sause and macaroni.... and put cheese on the top..
ummmm.... not much delicious but i can eat

Ummm...i forget what i cooking

i think... I cooked soup macaroni for both of us for lunch..(i think)
and the day after.... i cooked rice , fried eggs (in my style), spicy broccori with chicken and ham
i want to make some dessert .. but i cant find indegrate becoz.. they've only ducth in supermarket.... so.. i will try next time

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

third dish

umm.. not sure.. i think I cooking spicy fried rice
he said.. he want to eat again.. then i find something from Too-Yen
and like first dish..
and i forgot again.. about Prik.. becoz Prik overhere too spicy
then..i put about 5 Priks.. ahhh.. Phet mak mak ka

second dish... Soup Vegetable

i cooked when i feel sick.. and soar throat
on saturday April 1st.. ahhh yes April Fool day
then i want to eat hot soup..
we stop at supermarket to buy something
and ... i start cooking when we arrive home
not that long time to cooking this food
it's look nice and... the taste is good
sure he said.. and i think ... also

first cooking

i cooking pat krapraw for first cooking overhere
he take me to buy bai krapraw , rice from Toko store
i use bacon then my dish very salty
and too spicy coz i put many prik
aaaarrrrrkkk..... i eat just a little.. coz not delicious for me
but.. he eat 2 dishes.. he said.. very delicious